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Sister Mania's Struggles aristocrat 02/22/2024 (Thu) 00:07:58 Id:d84007 No. 2850
The door to my cell won't open. It's stuck. This is a problem. I have a routine. A routine I do every day. A routine that comforts me. Not because it's familiar. Not because it's something to pass the time. Definitely not because I'm a person who needs to follow something mindlessly because thinking is too scary. But, because what I do is good. Objectively good. Good in a way I don't need God to tell me so. I see it in the faces of the people I reach. The hearts I lighten. And, at times, the horrible roles I need to fulfill because no one else will do them. The role of caretaker for the sick, and when I tender to the dying. That routine is being delayed. Presumably by an obstruction. I don't know why. Some prank? Some accident? Some stupidity on my part? I fiddle with the handle one more time. It's still stuck. Choice time: 1. I became angrier and angrier with the delay. I can't stay like this. I wrapped a sheet around my hand, planted my feet on the ground, and pulled the door as hard as I could, yanking with my arm and twisting my body. 2. I became bewildered at this point, even a bit scared. I finally chanced to cry out for help without caring who I would disturb. I took in a gulp of air, prepared my lungs, and shouted. 3. I became fed up with the situation. There's a game being played and I'm not falling for it. I went and sat back on the bed, knowing eventually someone would have to let me out.
>>2850 2. ...is this a spinoff? A continuation? Something new entirely?
option 1
>>2850 Option 1
Option 2
>>2852 This is a new story. It is based around the "alternate" version of Mania who was depicted at the end of Thread 12, and the beginning of Thread 13. A Mania who, rather than running away from her family, becoming a witch, and eventually meeting and falling in love with Edward, instead succumbed to the sentimentality of her family who pleaded with her to stay and accept her place in society. After accepting her family's arguments, she was betrayed as they once again shoved her feelings aside for their own expectations and interests. She escaped through becoming a nun. This is Sister Mania's story. A nun who, by choice, is living in a convent near a destitute community. She is providing direct charity to them, but she is also very cynical about the actual religion and spirituality aspect of her role. This is the situation where her struggles in her life truly begin, to be navigated by the audience. Unlike Impregnator King or Witch of Fecundity, it is not in second person. And unlike Maternal Instinct, it is not in third person either. It is first person, to emphasize this is truly what Mania is feeling, and choosing to do, and why. It's not going to be explicitly pregnancy fetish, but I was inspired for it and thought it would find acceptance regardless for it here, on /c/. I hope it's enjoyable. There is a tie in voting. Please continue to vote.
>>2850 Option 2
