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Does anyone else worldbuild in their stories? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 19:28:16 Id:2d4fe1 No. 2991
Hey, everybody. I'm getting into writing pregnancy related stories, although I don't have much to show off yet. What I am doing, however, is worldbuilding. Setting up different characters, ideas, groups, etcetera that I like to add to give my stories an extra flare. So I want to ask a question: does anyone else do this? I wouldn't expect it, given that horny people probably wouldn't care to jerk off to extensive magic systems and whatnot, but I'm still curious. Is it rare, common, or am I just weird?
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other people *do* do it, but worldbuilt-smut is certainly more niche. those it appeals to go crazy for it, though. for me, the better the worldbuilding, the hornier i get for it. i am among those who go crazy for it. i keep a collection of 'em.
I use an AI story generator for inspiration.
>>2991 I have some worldbuilding, but it's important to distinguish between fetish stories taking place in a normal world and normal stories taking place in a fetish world. I write the former, some people write the latter.
>>2991 I want to say I do - it's pretty much why I've been off the radar over the months. I want to be recognized outside commission artworks; at the end of the day, it's still someone else's vision I'm paid to draw. And frankly I only learned to draw so I could flesh out my own imagination - whether safe or lewd. Preferably safe but I know where I am. It's a matter of taste. Some people prefer stuff at face-value where they just get to the good parts and go about their day. But there are others who'd love to lose themselves in a world centered on their pleasures, interests and more. And the more detailed, the better. Then you have HR Giger levels of detail I'm guilty of. One say convoluted, another says intricate. It's like a recipe - how well it turns out depends entirely on what you use to make it. Critical writing in general really rest on 2 things: If you actually want to, and if you absolutely love to. Everything has an audience and if you enjoy lore-building and world-building, may as well go for it.
Imagine the fantasy world where there is only Female in every race. But because there is no Male they all can get pregnant without the need of other people, if they realy want it then can just being pregnant whenever they want
Or make an RP community of your own and see if other people bite. For instance, my Disboard server - Tales of Fecundia.
