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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 22:58:42 Id:0abb94 No. 3012
What do you think of people that think pregnancy and pregnant bellies are disgusting
accept that not everyone finds the ultimate expression of being female attractive like i do and move on with my life. and mock them if they are overtly vocal about it like every other one who makes being vocal about their dislikes and hates makes them a special somebody who needs to be treated as special person entitled to a audience and power.
Well, they are not wrong. We have a "unique" fetish afterall. Just ejoy our weirdness alone and don't try to bring other people to our kink. It is better for everyone
>>3012 Everyone got their own taste. Just keep it to yourself if uncomfortable. Don't ask don't tell and all at
